Conference Volunteers & Staff
The Lifesavers Conference Board of Directors is committed to planning and implementing the must-attend, most engaging, thoughtful and action-oriented roadway safety conference in the United States. To do this, we gather a network of dedicated volunteers spanning the depth breadth and diversity of roadway safety expertise. We meet regularly throughout each conference planning cycle to determine the best topics and speakers. These volunteers form the Board, the Lifesavers Planning Committee, and act as Track Leaders that pull together 70+ workshops and plenaries. We contract with Meetings Management, Inc. to organize the logistics of the conference. We also contract with Tara Casanova-Powell to act as Lifesavers Conference Program Coordinator with oversite from the Volunteer Board and Committees.

Katie Ballard

Kimberly Belone

Rick Birt

M. Kimberly Brown

Tara Casanova-Powell

Sam Cole

Joseph Colella

Dortha Cummings

Rob Duckworth

Lisa Freeman

Dan Gelinne

Tara Gill

Jennifer Hogan

Tim Kerns

Kristin Kingsley

Charlie Klauer

Bill Kotowski

Omar Masood

Michelle May

Melissa Ostergaard

Angela Osterhuber

Stephanie Shaw
LPC Liaison to Board

Jennifer Smith

Ryan Smith

Sandy Spavone

Danielle Wolfe

Daniel Zimmerman

Rick Birt
Chair, Traffic Safety Scholars Program

Torrine Creppy
Chair, Speaker/Attendee Financial Aid Committee

Kristin Kingsley
Chair, Sponsorship Committee

Chair, Plenary Committee

Danielle Wolfe
Chair, Traffic Safety Scholars Program
Child Passenger Safety

Joseph Colella

Angela Osterhuber

Sam Cole

Bill Kotowski
Criminal Justice/
Law Enforcement

M. Kimberly Brown

Rob Duckworth
Distracted Driving

Jennifer Smith

Michelle May
Driver Training, Assessment, & Licensing

Sandy Spavone

Charlie Klauer
Impaired Driving

Ryan Smith

Lisa Freeman
Occupant Protection

Tim Kerns

Dortha Cummins
Pedestrian, Bicycle, And Micromobility

Jennifer Hogan

Dan Gelinne
Safe System

Stephanie Shaw

Tara Gill

Omar Masood
Vehicle Technologies/
Automated Driving

Kristin Kingsley

Danielle Wolfe
Meetings Management, Inc.

Mary Magnini
Lead Contact

Kim Becker

Cindy Carter
Workshop/Speaker Management

Kate Crummett
Hotel, Premeetings, Food/Beverage, A/V

Michelle Khoury
Premeetings, Agendas/Minutes, Email Blasts, Promotion, Mobile App

Mary Lofgren
Financial Aid, Registration, Traffic Safety Scholar Program, Premeetings, Sponsors

Tracy McClure
Workshop/Speaker Management, Speaker Proposals, Website
Program Coordination

Tara Casanova-Powell
Program Coordinator