Speaker Guidelines & Tips
All 2025 conference activities will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center, March 9 – 11, 2025.
Questions? Contact Tracy McClure | mcclure@meetingsmgmt.com | 215.970.4375
The information provided here is based on input from past conference moderators and speakers.
The “Presenters” page has information specific to speakers; the “Workshops” page will have the list of workshops by track.
Lifesavers prides itself on bringing subject matter experts to the table to share their knowledge and experiences in a safe and open environment. All speakers, moderators and Lifesavers staff are held to a high standard of professionalism. The Lifesavers Planning Committee thanks you for your time and commitment.
Your workshop moderator will schedule conference call(s) with you and the other speakers to discuss the workshop topic, format and speakers’ respective roles, and coordinate presentations. Speakers are to share their presentations with the moderator and co-presenters before the conference to avoid redundancy of material and ensure the material is consistent with the workshop topic.
Each speaker will have approximately 15-20 minutes for their presentation depending on the number of speakers in the workshop. Attendees are primarily practitioners and are interested in evidence-based programs, initiatives, research findings, and best practices that they can easily implement in their respective states and/or communities. Tangible “takeaways” are key! Highly technical presentations are not recommended. Bring your presentation on a thumb drive. Lifesavers’ audio-visual technicians do not load presentations in advance.
Limit the amount of text on slides and use pictures and colorful but simple graphics to illustrate what you are presenting; avoid using charts with lots of data or dark backgrounds since they are often difficult to read. Do not read your slides to the audience; PPT should be used as a tool to supplement your discussion. The website’s “Presenters” page has helpful hints for preparing presentations.
Note: Lifesavers does not have a required/suggested PPT template for presentations. Speakers may use a template of their choosing that they consider professional and fitting for their presentation.
Include the Lifesavers provided final slide reminding attendees to review your presentation in the mobile app or event site. This image file will be emailed to you a few weeks before the conference. You may also download that image file here.
Files are a priority for attendees and increase the value and impact of your presentation. You will be emailed instructions for uploading your file(s) to the Lifesavers Speaker Management site. You may also email your files to mcclure@meetingsmgmt.com. (Please include your name and workshop title.) The deadline for posting files on the Event Site and mobile app before the conference is February 21, 2025. You are welcome to bring handouts to the conference (minimum of 50) but posting your materials in advance will generate interest in your presentation.
- Please be aware that animations and videos are not supported directly within the mobile app and event site. (Think of your ppt file as being converted to a pdf.) We recommend you add a link to videos in your file before uploading.
- It is highly recommended that speakers submit their files individually through their own profile, so their files show up under their name. Moderators may submit a compilation of presentations in one file as well, however, if a moderator uploads a file, it will show up under the moderator’s name and the presentations will not be seen under each speakers’ name.
Save your PowerPoint on a thumb drive and use our Lifesavers provided image (see above) as the final slide of your presentation!
- Speakers must bring their presentation on a thumb drive to the conference, even if the presentation was previously provided for uploading to the website and mobile app. Lifesavers does not pre-load PPTs on laptops. The Lifesavers-provided laptop in workshop rooms will have internet.
Workshop rooms are typically set theater style with a podium and head table(s), wired podium microphone, wireless handheld microphone(s), LCD projector equipped with sound, screen, clicker, and one laptop with internet access. Notify your workshop moderator by February 6, 2025 if you have other AV needs or if you plan to use your own laptop.
The Lifesavers-provided laptop has Windows Operating System with Microsoft Office and an Internet connection. Bring your presentation on a USB Drive. If your presentation includes sound effects, video clips or other forms of multimedia, you must bring these separate files on your external drive, along with your PPT. They are linked to your PPT (vs. being embedded) so they must be loaded on the computer you’re using onsite to be pulled into your presentation. Notify your moderator if you plan to use your own laptop.
Exchange cell phone numbers and conference arrival information with your moderator.
If your arrival is delayed or you must cancel, notify your moderator and Tracy McClure as soon as possible so they can work with the Track Leaders to find a substitute to present your material and/or allot your time to another speaker.
Three weeks before the conference, send your moderator a short (just a few sentences) bio to use to introduce you. You may upload your photo to the Lifesavers Speaker Management site if you would like it to appear on the conference mobile app, however, this is optional. MMI does not collect speaker bios.
Notify your moderator that you have arrived. You can use the Speaker Ready Room to meet your moderator and other speakers, and review/test your presentation before your workshop.
The Speaker Ready Room is located in Room 203C of the Long Beach Convention Center and it will be open during the following hours:
Saturday, 4/6: 8am – 5pm
Sunday, 4/7: 8am – 5:30pm
Monday, 4/8: 8am – 4pm
Tuesday, 4/9: 8am – 12pm
Familiarize yourself with the conference venue (all activities take place at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, CA) and arrive at your workshop room at least 10 minutes before your scheduled start time. Your moderator will start/end the workshop on time and will monitor presenters’ allotted time to stay on schedule.
The moderator will structure the workshop so that there are 15 – 20 minutes at the end for audience questions. Often audience members approach speakers at the end of the session to ask additional questions and/or continue the discussion.
The Lifesavers Conference has a lot to offer. Be sure to visit the Exhibit Hall, network with almost 2,000 attendees, and attend the plenary sessions and other workshops. Most of all, enjoy the conference!