
All 2025 conference activities will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center, March 9 – 11, 2025.

Questions? Contact Tracy McClure | | 215.970.4375

Moderators/speakers must register for the conference at the reduced speaker rate of $400. There is also a one-day registration option of $0 if you are only attending the day of your workshop. Your contact information is needed for emergencies and to ensure accurate registration numbers for food functions and conference supplies. Registering before the conference also helps expedite your check-in process when picking up your badge and materials. You must have your badge to enter the Convention Center.

All meeting rooms will be theater-style seating and set with head table, podium, a wired podium microphone, one wireless handheld microphone, LCD projector with VGA cable, screen, laptop, sound for laptop presentation, and clicker.

If you need additional equipment beyond what is listed above, notify your workshop moderator by February 6, 2025.  Moderators will receive an email request from Tracy McClure (Lifesavers moderator/speaker coordinator) to enter additional A/V needs in the Lifesavers Speaker Management site. Lifesavers does provide most audiovisual equipment requested, but some equipment may be cost prohibitive. In this case, we will contact you to discuss alternative equipment.

The Lifesavers Conference is a non-profit program funded through sponsorships, registrations and exhibit fees. The goal is to provide a quality conference to the largest possible audience while keeping the registration and exhibit fees as low as possible. This is possible because moderators/speakers are asked to bear the cost of their registration fee and travel expenses.

Speaker travel expense support may be available to assist speakers from state and local non-profit organizations, government agencies, and advocacy groups who demonstrate need. Support is provided to help defray the cost of the conference registration fee and hotel/travel expenses.

If approved, you will receive a check to apply to your registration, travel and/or hotel expenses. 

Eligibility requirements:

  • Speakers should consult their ethics manager and/or review State/Federal guidelines before applying
  • Generally speaking, Lifesavers will not fund the same speaker in consecutive years
  • Representatives of private companies or established national traffic safety organizations are not eligible
  • Exhibitors and pre-conference training speakers are not eligible
  • Speaker travel expense support is non-transferable
  • Stay at the conference hotel under the Lifesavers room block. Hotel details can be found here.

2025 Moderator/Speaker Travel Expense Support Terms & Conditions

Note: The application deadline has been extended to Friday, February 14th. 

You are responsible for making your own hotel and travel reservations. View our hotel/travel page for details on recommended hotel(s).

Lifesavers will NOT print workshop files or handouts to distribute during the conference, rather we post them on our event site and the mobile app prior to the conference so attendees may print and/or view those they are interested in.

  • Evaluations from participants strongly indicate that speaker presentation files and supplemental files are a priority, so we ask that you submit your files as soon as possible for posting. Deadline for submitting files for posting to the event site and mobile app prior to the conference is February 21, 2025
  • Where to send your files: You will receive an email request from Tracy McClure (Lifesavers moderator/speaker coordinator) to upload your files to the Lifesavers Speaker Management site.  
  • Guidelines for posting (Deadline: February 21, 2025):
    • Include the workshop title and your contact information on the first page of your file so attendees can keep track of which workshop the file is for.
    • File size must be no larger than 8MB. Larger sized files may make it difficult for attendees to download. You may have to adapt your on-site presentation to reduce size (remove photos, videos, etc.).
    • The Lifesavers Conference will not post (or distribute onsite) any promotional/sales material such as brochures or DVDs.
    • Note: There is no required/suggested powerpoint template that Lifesavers requires speakers to use in their presentations. Speakers may use a template of their choosing that they consider professional and fitting for their presentation. 
  • Guidelines for your presentation at the conference:
    • Include the workshop title and your contact information on your first PowerPoint slide.
    • Include the Lifesavers provided image on your final slide reminding attendees to review your presentation in the mobile app or event site. (This will be emailed to presenters and can also be downloaded here.)  
    • Audio and Video: If your presentation includes sound effects, video clips or other forms of multimedia, you must bring these separate files onsite along with your PowerPoint. They are linked to your PowerPoint (vs. being embedded) so they must be loaded on the computer you’re using onsite in order to be pulled into your presentation.
    • Don’t rely on your PowerPoint slides. Your slides are designed to help guide your audience while you speak and should include just high-level bullet points. We recommend the 6 x 6 rule: 6 words per line, 6 lines per screen.
    • Graphs are easier to project and read than tables.
    • Use upper and lower case letters in text.
  • Disclaimer: By submitting your files to the Lifesavers website and mobile app, you agree to have your materials downloaded, printed and/or copied by Lifesavers and website users. Lifesavers Conference, Inc., and Meetings Management, Inc., are not responsible or liable for use or misuse of materials posted on the Lifesavers website or mobile app.